Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eye of the storm

    From a democratic perspective, the events and revelations of the last couple of weeks concerning the malfeasance of the tRump administration have been a godsend.  In the wake of the Mueller report and it's author's refusal to say point blank in testimony before Congress that Cheetolini and his henchmen colluded with the Russians the party was in free fall.  Then tRump decided to up the ante by hijacking American foreign policy to facilitate his re-election.
    In addition, since most of the competent people in the administration have been forced out or resigned, the lickspittles who remain seemingly can't keep their stories straight.  So, impeachment must be a slam dunk.  Maybe, but I can't help feeling democrats are missing an opportunity.   Nancy Pelosi wants a "laser focused" investigation of the Ukraine scandal, excluding virtually all of tRump's other corrupt acts.  She says it will be simpler to make the case to the American people if the House concentrates on one scandal amidst the plethora of corruption.
    Many democrats feel a wide ranging investigation over a timeline which ignores the impending 2020 elections is the way to approach this opportunity.   A continuous avalanche of information recounting this corruption will peel away most thinking citizens, leaving The Donald with the cult following of roughly 30%.  These people would literally let their dear leader get away with murder.  However, their numbers are not enough to get him re-elected.

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