Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The latest and the greatest

    The sectors of the media which cashes in on either opposition to or adoration of Cheetolini have been having a field day as new revelations about the administration's Ukraine policies waterfall over every other concern.   Followers of Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity alike are treated to doomsday scenarios which involve usurpation of government by the left or the right.
    That is not, of course to argue that this is a "both sides do it" as the rest of the MSM likes to do.   The facts are overwhelmingly in favor of Maddow et al.   The transcript of tRump's call to the Ukrainian president, doctored though it probably was show not only an illegal attempt to obtain something of value from the Ukrainians, namely help to smear Joe Biden, tRump's supposed electoral challenger, but an obvious quid pro quo.  Our president* was threatening to  withhold military aid to the Ukraine until his request was fulfilled.
    The White House counsel has now sent an absurdly political document to Congress essentially saying the legislative branch cannot investigate the president because he stands above the law.  I think even Hannity might have trouble swallowing that minnow.  The impeachment process will now drag out into 2020 and republicans will howl that democrats are playing politics.  However, tRump knows this is his last refuge as more and more of those pesky, liberal leaning things known as facts undercut his defenses.

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