Thursday, October 31, 2019

Alternate realities

     Those of us who choose a reality based world view are occasionally exposed to the alternatives offered by Faux News and other fantasy right wing sites.   Yesterday, Maria Bartiromo hosted another conspiracy author who confided the present impeachment process is a "secret rite" propagated by cult leader Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenant, Adam Schiff.  The very fact that this bonkers take on a legitimate congressional inquiry can get a national audience is a testament to the Bizzaro World many of our fellow Americans live in today.
     Speaking of alternate realities, the Washington Nationals overturned conventional World Series history by winning 4 games on the road, including the clinching game 7 in Houston.   The Nats have turned many of us into fans, including I'm sure many Montrealers who remember the team's previous incarnation as the Expos.

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