Friday, November 1, 2019

Moving the goalposts

     My local congresscritter, rising GOP star Elise Stefanik voted with every other republican in the House against the authorization of the rules for an impeachment inquiry.   This, after Stefanik has been echoing the party line which up until now was all about demanding the authorization vote.  Now, it is all about the chairmen of various committees "abusing" their power and limiting the rights of the minority.  What she really means is limiting the ability of republicans to turn the hearings into a media circus and discredit witnesses.  I'm sure if the chairman of the intelligence committee, Adam Schiff offered to step down in favor of Devin Nunes republicans may be satisfied.  Short of that outcome, they will keep moving the goalposts and nattering about process.  That is all they have, and unfortunately for American democracy it may be enough to prolong this farce of an administration for another year.

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