Monday, November 11, 2019

Climate change and perception

    The urgent need to combat climate change will take another hit tonight.  According to the National Weather Service more than 200 locations across America will register new record low temperatures between now and Friday.   In the North Country we are expecting up to a foot of snow tonight, followed by  temps in the low single digits the following night.  That is more like a January forecast.
     What we will be told by our president* and his enablers is this is prima facie evidence that climate change is a hoax and if anything, we need to worry about a new ice age!  The fact the rest of the globe has been broiling all year and indeed, 2019 will probably go down as one of the hottest on record will have no significance to many Americans.   They will look at this cold blast as permission to drive gas guzzling pickups and continue business as usual.

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