Thursday, November 7, 2019

It's not OK Boomers

     Being of a certain age, I confess to not always being up on the latest slogans regarding the culture wars.   I'm certainly old enough to remember my generation's rallying cry, "Don't trust anyone over 30".   If that was a truism, I guess I can't even trust my youngest daughter, who passed that milestone last year.   But the latest generational rallying cry, "OK Boomer" is a little mystifying.
     Just like every generation that came before us, boomers include all classes, political outlooks and life experiences.   We are certainly not a monolithic bloc.  It pains me that quite possibly a majority of my fellow boomers are tRumpists, but it is not something I can do much about.   I see the angry facebook posts by my contemporaries and remember all the Archie Bunkers I had to deal with as I made my way in the post 60s world.
     Every generation has a large cohort which as it ages longs for a certainty that never existed in the imaginings of the youth they have lost.   They tend to be bitter and also support those of their generation who would demonize and disempower the following generation.   If each generation can remember that bit of "boomer" wisdom, perhaps they will not be so quick to criticize.

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