Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Truth and Consequences

    Even with a visit from tRump and state so deep red that republicans won every other state wide office, Matt Bevin was unable to eke out a win against Andy Beshear  and so Kentuckians elected a democrat governor of the state.
    Democrats may gloat about that victory, but it took an unusual set of circumstances for it to happen.   Bevin managed to alienate teachers, police and virtually every labor oriented organization.  He also tried to reverse and destroy the state's popular Obamacare clone, Kynect which was installed by the last democratic governor, Beshear's father, Steve.   Even  though he proved he is a thoroughly loathsome human being, Bevin still only lost by a half percent and will probably demand a recount.  Of course, his national avatar won the state by over 30 points in 2016, so any margin of defeat for Bevin is a stern rebuke.   I guess there are some lines even a tRump crazed electorate will not cross.
     In other election news, dems consolidated their hold in Virginia, winning both houses of the state legislature and effectively turning the state blue.    Despite gerrymanders, voter suppression and sundry dirty tricks, the handwriting is on the wall for all to see.

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