Monday, November 4, 2019

Where we are

      With a few minor exceptions, the garden is rapidly approaching its seasonal end.   We finally had the killer frost which ended the galinsoga plague in the spinach patch.  Unfortunately, the dead leaves will weld themselves to the healthy spinach leaves, rendering them useless.  That will probably be  moot point as increasingly cold weather begins to damage even the collards and kale.  The torrential rains and wind we experienced last Thursday and Friday added to the stress on late season vegetables, so I guess it is time to turn the page and start looking for spring catalogs!
     Meanwhile, a couple of stories related to energy production caught my eye this morning.   Increasing oil production from Norway, Canada, Brasil and Indonesia will keep the price of the commodity stable or lower for at least a few years.   A second story about the increasing demand for oil from the countries of Southeast Asia in coming years sounds even more dire.   If we can't wean humanity from fossil fuels in the face of climate change, we may as well write our race's obituary.   It seems these nations are spending money of fossil fuel exploration instead of solar and wind research.  Why is this?

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