Tuesday, November 19, 2019


     It's slightly past mid November and here in the North Country we have already had a 6-8 inch snowfall and we are experiencing a dangerous freezing rain event as I write this.   While this kind of weather is not historically unusual here, it has been the exception over the last few years.   The local golf courses were open for business at Christmastime in 2015!
     October 2019 is in the books as the 2nd warmest October since worldwide recordkeeping started.  Unfortunately for those who hope mankind will stir before the apocalypse a large part of the US was experiencing below normal temperatures.  This emboldened climate change deniers to proclaim the rest of the world is embracing a Chinese hoax meant to deny righteous Murcans their pickups and SUVs.
      Amazon deforestation has spiked, oil drilling continues apace and our grandchildren will look back at the early 21st century as probably the last chance to avert catastrophic climate disruption.  I will not be around for the reckoning, but I hope we can step back from the brink, starting with the 2020 elections.   We need to address the problem now.  I'll get right on it, as soon as I scrape the ice off the sidewalk.

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