Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Enabling the president*

    Many of us gnash our teeth nearly every day as Cheetolini and his henchmen make a mockery of the rule of law in America.   Even when he loses a battle, as when a federal judge ordered his former White House counsel, Don McGahn to testify regarding his knowledge of tRump's obstruction of justice during the Mueller probe, his DOJ will appeal the ruling, effectively running out the clock.  This makes us frustrated with the system.   However, it is not the system which is failing us, but the men and sometimes the women who operate the levers of government.
    Hitler did not create Nazi Germany single handedly.  He was aided and abetted by a fairly large slice of the men who operated the Wiemar government.   Some of them agreed with his vision of a Germany of ubermenschen or at least a reinvigorated country and were willing to indulge some of his more outre policies.  Others supported even the "final solution" right up until the bunker doors were closed in 1945.    This is how democracies really die.
      The next time our president* says or does something which strips us of another right or pushes us a little further down the road which leads to authoritarianism, remember, he is not doing it alone.

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