Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Looking for the new bogeyman

     Since the media and republicans can't seem to entice Hillary out of retirement, it looks like it's time to find another scary bogeywoman under our collective bed.   Step up Elizabeth Warren and show your socialist face!
       A new poll being brandished by the NYT supposedly shows Warren, as well as Bernie and Biden being toast in the same battleground states which gave Cheetolini his electoral college victory in 2016.    Since Warren is either leading the democratic gaggle or running second to Biden in most polls, she is the target of the MSM and republican leaning pundits.  There have been a flurry of op-ed pieces pointing out the flaws in many of her famous plans, but especially of  her Medicare for All details.
       It seems the mostly male opinion makers can't seem to deal with a strong woman who is fighting for structural changes which will cost them money.   Even tRump, with all his baggage would seem preferable to Warren's brand of enlightened capitalism according to many.   If Warren manages to win the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, look for an all out attempt by a "sorrowful" media to take her down.  Since the Pocahontas meme won't fly anymore and the latest trial balloon launched by the NYT regarding her work for corporations in the 80s died quickly, the search for an e-mail like scandal will jump into high gear.

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