Aside from the control of most traditional media by aging boomers, the singular ideology which unites the opinion shapers is a creepy centrism which treats the views held by a majority of Americans as unworthy.
One of the founders of Politico, which along with Morning Joe on MSNBC is seen as must consume media by Washington Insiders, confesses to a reporter at Vox that he has a bad case of centrism. He reflexively dismisses populists like Bernie or Liz Warren precisely because they violate the tenets of the bipartisan fantasy centrists celebrate, even though they know it hasn't been in effect in over 40 years.
The average American these pundits prefer is socially liberal and economically conservative. According to polls, that label describes less than 4% of the public. Many, if not most of us are either socially and economically liberal or in the case of many tRumpists, socially conservative and economically liberal. Most of us don't fret over the national debt and are willing to fund things like the expansion of social security. But media elites self identify with the wealthy establishment wisdom that debt is bad, social security is unsustainable and foreign wars are great. Until someone like Sanders and/or Warren is elected, the best we can hope for is a return to the status quo pre tRump. As someone who lived through the Clintons, Bushes and Obama eras, I believe that is not enough!
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