Tuesday, October 15, 2019


      Democrats in the House have been given plenty of cover to vote for the impeachment of Cheetolini by the recent testimony of the former ambassador to Ukraine and tRump's former chief advisor on Russian affairs.  Both Marie Yovanovitch and Fiona Hill blew the whistle on Rudy Giuliani's shadow foreign policy in Ukraine despite being instructed not to appear before Congress by the State Department and the White House.  To tRump's detractors they are hero's.  To his fans they are turncoats.
     The main thrust of both women's testimony (notice it is women who continue to defy the Orange Buffoon) is Giuliani had both the blessing of his client and somehow he acquired the means to spend extended time in Ukraine putting pressure on the government of that country to present the tRump campaign with dirt on Hunter and Joe Biden.  The fact it would be made up scandal seems not to have bothered either of the conspirators.
     It looks like a steady stream of witnesses have decided to violate the omerta demanded by the Oval Office.   We will probably be presented with blockbuster testimony on a daily basis as more and more career officials decide not to take one for Donny douchebag.   There remains only the vote for impeachment and the spectacle of republican congressmen soiling themselves as they try to justify votes for or against the trial of the president*.
      In other, more pressing news, I did decide to split the difference.   I planted half of my garlic seed yesterday and will wait 2 weeks to plant the rest of it.  That should be a real world trial of whether it is better to plant under optimum conditions or possibly be stuck jamming cloves into muddy, half frozen soil.   I am so not looking forward to the latter possibility.

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