Monday, September 30, 2013

Good, Bad, Ugly

It was the best of times, it was the...well, you get the idea.  The weather has been fantastic, with no let down for the rest of the week.  Aside from heavy morning dew each day, the weather for growing or finishing crops has been extraordinary.  There is some cloudy weather and showers predicted for the end of the week, but the long range shows no frost through the middle of next week.  The political situation on the other hand is bad and about to get ugly.  The wrecking crew also known as the Republican party is throwing a tantrum because they cannot get their way with the Affordable Care Act.  It is now up to a handful of senior party members and mostly John Boehner to make sure the political system functions for the majority of Americans.  The previous week has provided a shameful chapter for future historians.  Regardless of those who lionize him now, Ted Cruz will go down as a latter day Joe McCarthy; a demagogue who plays on the fears of the credulous.  When will someone confront him with the classic line from Edward Murrow,  "At long last Sir, have you no shame".

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