Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Frosty predictions

By tomorrow night, some mountain hollows in the North Country and far northern areas of Quebec may see the first frost of the season.  Here on the NCR, we should be in the mid 40s for lows, but it will be a big change from last week's heat and humidity.  The tomatoes and peppers will mature more slowly and even the cole crops will slow down, but with the good soil moisture now I'm pretty confident even the last plantings of broccoli and cauliflower will be harvested.  I picked quite a few tomatoes last night and sprayed for flea beetles and cabbage worms, so it was a productive evening. We had some minor hail damage in the bok choy and nappa cabbages, but it only affected the outer leaves.  So even the rain was a mixed blessing.  But I'm not complaining.

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