Thursday, September 26, 2013

speculating armageddon

As the nation teeters toward the possibility of shutdown and then default, it behooves the people of this once great nation to look in the mirror and do a little soul searching.  Virtually no one wants to see either of the above scenarios take place, but a rather small minority of the nation's voters have enabled a fanatical caucus in the House of Representatives to take our country's full faith and credit hostage for an ideological phantasm.  These Gerrymandered jihadists are the creation of republican led legislatures which have removed accountability from the electoral equation.  This echo chamber of political purity drives these representatives in the opposite direction from a clear majority in the US which feels the government needs to continue to function, and the bills need to be paid.  The rest of us are now in the position of a motorist rubbernecking at a traffic backup.  Will we get to see the accident, or will it be cleared away before we reach the bottlenecek.  I guess we'll find out in the next three weeks.

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