Thursday, September 19, 2013

More pain, no gain

The Washington D.C. chapter of the Marquis De Sade club, a.k.a. the Republican caucus has decided that not only do millions of Americans not deserve the chance for affordable health care, but many of the same people do not need to eat either.  Defund Obamacare before it can have any positive impact and deny food stamps to millions of working Americans who will have to choose between paying for food or rent or auto expenses.  It seems these insular millionaires are so divorced from the workday world of most of their constituents they don't realize the havoc these policies will create.  Didn't they see the recent "budget" Mickey D put out for their employees.  It assumes they are working at least two jobs and focuses on how to get as many government benefits as possible to supplement the meager wages they are being paid.  These idiots rail about "Socialism" and yet they underwrite the corporate profits of the major low wage paying corporations.  The average Walmart employee can't get by without major subsidies in the form of Medicaid, food stamps and other government programs.  If they defund these programs, perhaps we will have real labor unrest and a revival of the pitchfork unionism of the early 1900s.  Then we will see some real pain.

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