Thursday, September 5, 2013

More stupidity

As usual, the teabaggers and their Republican allies are displaying the brute stupidity they are known for as the mechanisms for the distribution of Obamacare continue to roll out.  If the media had been as ubiquitous in the 1930s as it is today, I'm sure Social Security would have been under attack even more than it was.  The same idiots who gladly spend far more in benefits than they ever contributed in taxes want to deny younger Americans medical care because they can't pay for it.  These feckless, middle aged boomers benefitted from government largesse from the time they were born and will continue to collect until they die.  Cynical groups like "Americans for Prosperity", a Koch brothers' funded astro-turf organization are mobilizing the greedy geezers and wannabees to try and pull the rug from under the next generation's struggle to fix a broken health care system.  The Rube Goldberg monstrosity cobbled together under Obama is better than what it replaces and eventually will be improved, hopefully into a single payer system which includes all Americans.  It's a shame progress is being delayed by short sighted, amoral fools.

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