Friday, September 20, 2013

Who are we kidding

As the pain caucus dumps a new load of worry on the American underclass with passage of the food stamp denial bill, it becomes more evident every day that the present economic distress has fueled the nascent racism this country has struggled with since 1619.  Owlsely county in Kentucky is 98% white and nearly 50% of the population uses food stamps yet Mitt Romney won 81% of the vote.  I rest my case.  The only conceivable reason to vote so diametrically opposed to your own interest is racism, pure and simple.  Yet, no one in the media has touched this third rail of hate.  Some of the left wing media will make a glancing reference to "southern strategies", but while this hate festers most in the old South, it is present throughout the country, especially among white males in lower socioeconomic classes.  With the ascendance of a black president, many of these unfortunates see their last visions of superiority stripped away.  How else to explain their embrace of all things anti Obama. 

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