Friday, September 13, 2013

It's the temperatures, stupid

After the deluge, it looks like smooth sailing for the next 10 days.  We had a total of 2 inches of rain since Tuesday evening.  That has pretty well saturated the soils in the area.  Now we are being promised a succession of  sunny days with temps in the 70s during the day and 40s at night.  If this holds it will go a long way toward maturing many late planted crops.  Beets, carrots, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, kale, cauliflower and many others will thrive with ample moisture and clement temperatures.  Of course we are getting less light all the time, so that will slow things down, but the above normal temps will counterbalance the lack of light.  We just need to avoid more rain for the time being.  Big doings on the NCR this weekend.  The local re-enactors will celebrate the Battle of Plattsburgh which effectively ended the threat of British domination of New England at the end of the War of 1812.  While most Americans don't realize the significance of the land and sea engagement on Lake Champlain, most historians rate it as a pivotal moment in the war.  A rag tag army of irregulars and a makeshift navy defeated veterans of the Napoleonic wars and the British navy.  We always love the story of the plucky underdogs upsetting Goliath. 

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