Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Another wild ride

From 37 degrees on Monday morning to near 90 on Wed. afternoon and back to the 40s by the weekend.  It's Sept., but not your father's Sept.   We are getting weather from April to October and the month is not even half over.  At least the heat should start bringing on the broccoli and cauliflower which have stalled for the last couple of weeks.  There are quite a few items which would normally have matured by now, but persistently low night time temperatures have slowed them to a crawl.  Unfortunately, we are now starting to run out of time.  The long range forecast seems to indicate cooler and drier than normal which is usually a good thing.  But this year we have had successive waves of too much of a good thing, whether rain or heat and now cold and dry.  The basil has been a bright spot for most of the season, but this regime has caused mildew on most of the remaining plantings.  The cilantro and dill remain fine as well as parsley.  No more pesto this year.  I can only hope the remainder of the month and October get closer to normal than the last few weeks.  Probably not going to happen.

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