Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Health Care Follies

To use a newly hackneyed phrase, I guess we are on Cruz Control for the next couple of days.  The senator from Texas has one notable achievement to show for his latest tantrum.  He has sparked a bi-partisan consensus that he is a pompous asshole with nothing substantive to contribute to the national dialogue.  Aside from fundraising among the rubes who believe the nonsense he is peddling, what possibly motivates the man?  He is a Harvard graduate, although he is rapidly diminishing that particular brand.  He knows that the template of Obamacare is the Massachusetts health care law, which has brought health care to 98% of that state's residents without unduly increasing costs.  When fully implemented, the federal law will enjoy similar success and the praise which will undoubtedly accrue to it.  The Democrats will have by that time locked up majorities of the women's, latino, Asian and youth vote for generations and the angry old white men who support Cruz will be a diminishing demographic which no one (except the makers of Depends) will mourn.  So what calculations can be whirling through the his head.  Frankly, I'm stumped. 

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