Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wet and wild

With 3/4 inch of rain last night and another inch or so predicted today, it is time to put away the hoses and start getting the garden ready for winter. There is still plenty of harvesting to do, but with frost predicted early next week, the tomatoes, squash and other summer veg are probably history by next Wednesday.  Of course the weather will probably change course after the frost and we'll get a couple of weeks of nice weather.  Hopefully all the late planted brassicas will fulfill their potential.  It seems like a fitting end to a thoroughly annoying season.  Cold and dry, cold and wet, hot and dry, now cold and wet again.  Many gardeners threw in the trowel in June.  For those of us that stuck it out, there have been a few pleasurable moments, but mostly frustration as with the best of intentions things continued to go awry.  I hope this is a one off year, but I'm trying to build fortitude for next year already.

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