Friday, September 20, 2013

Warm and wet

Looks like we'll peak with temps around 80 today before some rain and cooler weather hits in time for the weekend.  The lettuce and other cool season crops should kick back into growth with this heat.  For the summer crops like squash and cukes, it is too little, too late.  The long range forecast shows milder weather in October, so the gardening (and mowing) seasons will be extended.  I have lots of late broccoli and cauliflower, so I hope we grow until November.  There are three or four more farmer's markets to attend, but I'll have plenty of stuff to sell after the 15th of October if the weather remains fair.  I guess we'll see.  The only potential for mayhem in the garden is one local deer who has steadily developed a taste for beet greens and now carrot tops.  The local talk radio station is keeping him out of the late garden (I have a radio set in the middle of the garden), but he is coming within a 100 feet of the house to sample the carrots.  I don't think the Divine Mrs. M will appreciate talk radio at all hours of the night, so I'm covering the carrots with remay cloth.  The full moon certainly makes for good night vision for the deer.  At 5:30 this morning it was bright enough to read by.

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