Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's a gardener to do

Whine about the weather of course.  Now we can expect 1-2 inches of rain, followed by a cool front.  So much for late maturing vegetables.  Now we have to hope the fall rains hold off and the temps don't get too cool, too fast.  The late broccoli and cauliflower look great, but need several weeks of clement conditions to mature.  Ditto for late carrots and beets.  Even the spinach and turnips need some warm weather.   Of course, being a gardener under these conditions still beats being president of the US right about now.  Mr. Obama lost me and I daresay most of my generation on the question of Syria.  Perhaps if his predecessor had not poisoned the well of humanist intervention to prevent further use of WMD, Obama might have gotten a different reception by his own nation and the world.  However, Shrub and his henchmen have forever tarnished our reputation in that respect.  Besides, if he really wanted to bomb Syria, he should have ruled it out.  The republicans in the House of Representatives probably would have passed a mandate ordering him to do it.  Anyway, I'm glad my biggest problem is the amount of precipitation I will have to deal with over the next couple of days.

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