Monday, September 23, 2013

Falling toward October

Not quite waiting for Godot, but as the season progresses, there is less and less change in the garden.  I am referring to the pace of growth of most crops at this point.  The cukes and zukes are really slowing down now.  Kale and cauliflower seem to be speeding up and the tomatoes are cracking before they can ripen.  Even the weeds have slowed to a crawl except for the ubiquitous galinsoga which will only be stopped by a relatively hard freeze.  It looks like another week like last; a rain, followed by cooler weather and then a gradual warmup.  By this coming weekend we should be back in the 70s for highs.  No frost predicted in the longer range through the first of October, so we should be able to finish harvest of most crops before they are frozen.  There is some late cabbage that will need another 2-3 weeks of decent weather, but it looks like we may get it. 

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