Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Proving old maxims

Looks like the republicans are going to prove the old saying "Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result".  They can continue to pass the same idiotic riders delaying or defunding ACA on the back of the continuing resolution to keep the government operating and the Senate will continue to reject the bill and send it back to the House.  Meanwhile, real people will begin to suffer as the government shuts down.  What this comes down to is a lack of leadership on the GOP side.  Someone needs to stand up to the teahadists and tell them you cannot govern the country in a constant state of crisis, regardless of the fundraising opportunities it creates.  The spineless speaker of the house is obviously not up to the task.  Boehner is too consumed by his need to stay on the job until he can land that lucrative lobbying gig to do his duty to the country.  This is what it all boils down to; greed and ideology feeding off each other.  Meanwhile, the rest of us get to watch the trainwreck and hope we are not collateral damage.

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