Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Weather is beautiful, wish Congress was

At least the weather is beautiful for a government shutdown.  No natural disasters to remind the teahadists the need for a functional federal government.  So, until the pain of their constituents and the need for some semblance of responsibility forces them, the shutdown will continue with each side's cheerleaders egging them on.  On the face of it is a no-brainer.  However, brains are not something the tea party is noted for.  Meanwhile, summer has returned to the garden.  I hate to even mention it, but it is actually getting dry out there.  The lettuce for next week should be full size in time for the last farmer's market of the year.  The cole crops continue to jump, although with fewer daylight hours it is a little slower than this kick of warm weather would otherwise provide.  The tomatoes are about done, with excessive cracking on the slicers.  I picked the last few plums, but I don't think their flavor is good enough for sauce.

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