Thursday, October 24, 2013

Winners, Losers and Also Rans

The Red Sox put a quick claim on World Series glory last night, winning 8-1 over the Cardinals.  As a lifelong Yankees fan, I am conflicted by our archrivals success.   Meanwhile, team GOP is losing badly in the political world series and it promises to get really ugly.  Holding hearings to berate web designers and political appointees is not going to take America's collective mind off the recent $24 billion government shutdown brought to you by the party of Lincoln.   The 16th President is probably spinning in his grave as his erstwhile successors tarnish what is left of his party's legacy.  Finally, the weather continues to run downhill here on the NCR.  (That stands for North Country Riviera for those new followers of this blog).   I think we may have had a galinsoga killing frost last night, but I won't know til later in the day.  Otherwise, the garden continues to produce.   The divine Mrs. M picked about 10 lbs. of grape tomatoes yesterday in anticipation of the freeze, so we will have tomatoes with our salads for the next couple of weeks.  The hardier crops will laugh at 28 degree temps. 

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