Monday, October 7, 2013

Springing back

Another mild weekend here on the NCR.  Still no frost predicted for the next 10 days and it looks like most if not all of the late crops will mature, even if the customers are not available.  The farmers' market closes next week, but if the latest returns are an indicator, the customers have moved on to other activities of a Saturday morning.  I guess fresh vegetables are a summertime thing for many people and they will return to chain store fresh for the rest of the year.  It's a shame, because the most vitamin dense veggies are available now.  Cauliflower, broccoli, kale, winter squash, etc. are way more nutritious than green beans and summer squash.  I tried roasted kohlrabi this weekend and it was delicious.  It has been a bountiful fall so far and it looks like it will extend through much of the month.  Certainly it has been a better season than the spring and summer that preceded.

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