Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The old is new

The Divine Mrs. M and I attended the premier of the new/old Wurlitzer organ at The Strand theater in Plattsburgh last night.   The circa 1924 organ produced in Buffalo by the Wurlitzer company was restored to original condition in a process which required nearly 13 years and the equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars.  Starting with the donation of the organ by a couple in Massachusetts who had the entire organ, including pipes which reach 16 feet, installed in their basement, the instrument was totally restored and reconfigured for the 2000 seat theater in downtown Plattsburgh.  We enjoyed a showing of the silent film " The Phantom of the Opera", starring Lon Chaney, accompanied by an organist playing the equivalent of a full orchestra.  The house was packed for the benefit concert at $20.00 a head.  It seems nostalgia is a powerful draw.  Many of those in the audience had memories of bygone days when these performances were not so unusual.  I wonder if this is a recent phenomena, or if looking back at "the good ole days" is something every generation does.

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