Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Moment of Truth

It looks like John Boenher will finally have to make a decision he is dreading;  either cater to the crazies in his caucus, or put the best interests of his country first.  Assuming the Senate votes on a debt ceiling extension which also ends the government shutdown, the ball is in House's court.  The country is now a laughingstock around the world and most first world inhabitants shake their heads as they contemplate the tea party's antics.  Even a banana republic would blush. The Senate bill is just a stopgap measure which ensures we will play out this tawdry drama again in February.  Even this delay is too much for some of the crazies.  They imagine they are the patriots about to be overrun by the hordes of unbelievers, led by the Kenyan Muslim Usurper in Chief.  Fortunately, if Boenher puts the Senate bill up for a vote by the entire House, it will pass easily and we will see the relatively small number of idiots who have held the nations economy and by extension the world's hostage.  And it will also expose most of them for the racist assholes they are.

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