Thursday, October 10, 2013

Government disaster as reality TV

Watching the political shows these days is almost like being strapped into a chair and forced to watch endless reruns of Jersey Shore or Big Brother.  You want to scream at the idiots who are trotted out each night to affirm that yes, "white is black", "up is down" and not least, "freedom is slavery".  The 30 or 40 Teahadists and the Koch brothers are forcing the country to the brink of default in an ultimately futile attempt to rollback the 21st century's likely most important social accomplishment, health care for the majority of Americans.  Like social security and medicare before it, this is an imperfect program, but it will get better and ultimately will be known as the precursor of universal health care.  Much as the generation that grew up with the New Deal, the generation that experiences Obamacare will be a force for the Democrats.  The dead enders in the Republican party know this and the present apocalypse is their reaction.  I believe cooler heads will prevail, but the cost will be high. Meanwhile, we have to wonder how much longer we'll be experiencing groundhog day.

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