Monday, October 28, 2013

Freeze warning

Last week, the galinsoga froze.  By tomorrow morning, many other denizens of the garden will follow that dastardly weed to oblivion.  The weather service is predicting temps in the high teens and low 20s.  At the very least it will freeze many of the hardy vegetables to the point they will need a good shower and warmer weather to thaw and regain their texture.  Broccoli is one of these.  The beets and carrots can shrug off a single night of very cold temps, so long as the ground doesn't freeze.  Some of the greens, like turnip tops will probably burn at these temperatures, while the kale will just get sweeter.  Spinach will hug the ground, but should weather the cold.  Unfortunately, any lettuce still in the ground will be a popsicle tonight.  After such a long run of clement weather, I hate the idea of the garden shutting down, but all things must pass.   I did make up a bed for planting early spinach next spring, so despite the shutdown, spring is around the corner...LOL

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