Thursday, October 17, 2013

The party of stupid

The post-mortems continue this morning as commenters on the left and right weigh in on the republicans' ignominious surrender last night.  Of course the Faux News brigade will paint a picture of a principled band of patriots who fought the good fight, while the outlets who cater to a less sanity challenged audience will call it what it was, a band of nihilists who were willing to take the country down as collateral damage in their vendetta against the president.  Now the focus will shift as the wrong headed agenda of  slashing the social safety net and cutting back the functions of government at the behest of the .01% continues to generate positive media coverage.  As one blogger puts it,  punching hippies, kicking the poors and punishing the olds never seems to go out of style in this country.   Will the party of stupid learn from the thrashing it took in the polls.  I doubt it.  The only way this ends well is if enough of the politically apathetic wake up and do their civic duty.  Otherwise we will seemingly get the government we deserve.

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