Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Racism and the Republican Id

It seems the teahadists in the House are determined to destroy the Obama presidency even if it lays waste the American economy.  That is the clear message the lemmings with the suicide vests are spreading through the media.  By some strange coincidence almost all of these nihilists are from the south.  Of course many residents of the old confederacy have little use for the rest of these United States, and for brown skinned people in general.  Obama presents the perfect pretext to bash both of these bugaboos using the rubric of patriotism.  They are fighting to keep the debt (mostly accumulated under republican presidents) from swallowing the country.  If the country dies due to their tender ministrations, at least they can say they tried.  What they did not count on was a unified Democratic party and a president with a mandate and a spine transplant.  Now they are backed into a corner with no way out but to capitulate in a most humiliating fashion.  Like a cornered rat, this is when this movement is most dangerous.  It is also when its foundational racism is most likely to be outed.  When this happens, perhaps the nation can begin another healing process.  But I doubt it.  As long as their are people who fear the "other", there will be hate and destructive actions.  We need to call these out and excise them from the nation's politics.

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