Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Frosty start

I had to scrape the windshield this morning for the first time since late April.  We barely touched 36 degrees, so most of the tender veg are probably still okay.  I'm sure the galinsoga will live to grow another day.  With the rain on Monday and warmer temps coming up for the weekend there should be plenty of maturing going on in the garden.  The beets and carrots are still coming on strong.  I noticed more teacup size heads of cauliflower in the last planting and the broccoli is bulking up.  The second cuttings of spinach will be plentiful for the next couple of weeks and the third set of peppers will be in the offing next week.  All in all, the late garden is almost making up for the nightmarish June and early July of our discontent.  

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