Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finished the start

Finished planting the 2014 crop of garlic yesterday afternoon.  I was in a hurry to get it in before the predicted rain for today makes a soggy mess of my beautifully manicured beds.  The beds were the consistency of  perfectly baked chocolate cake and the temperature was warm enough to make the whole process fairly enjoyable.  With a little over 2000 cloves stuck, there should be plenty of garlic to sell next year.  Planting garlic usually brings the gardening season to a close here on the NCR, but the weather promises to be fairly clement for the next 10 days, so harvest will continue.  Aside from the occasional frost/freeze, this is one of my favorite times in the garden.  Mother nature has frozen most of the weeds, but the hardy veg continue to grow, or at least remain in prime condition.  I will harvest the rest of the beet crop this weekend, but the broccoli, kale and spinach will continue to grow, and I will heavily mulch a bed of late carrots for harvest during the winter.  The only fly in the gardening world is the continued growth of chickweed, which is hardier than any vegetable known to man.

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