Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Where the money is

Drugs.   According to a story on NPR this morning, the drugs flowing into the US every year are worth at least $25 billion.  I don't know for sure, but I would bet that is more than all the vegetables grown in every state.  A one kilo brick of cocaine purchased in Columbia for $2,000 turns into a $100,000 payday when cut into gram size packets in America.   The Mexican drug cartels control most of the traffic, hence the third world violence in cities like Ciudad Juarez.  Its a short life for most of those involved in the traffic, but for the foot soldiers, it beats working for $5./day in the fields.  It is a brutal world that most drug users in America either ignore or take for granted.  Why don't we put the FDA in charge of all drugs in the country, legalize the trade and cut the deficit or finance social programs with the profits.  It would seem to be a better solution than the violence and misery we force our neighbors south of the border to endure.

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