Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall is for Thunderstorms!

The next thing will be tornadoes.  Heavy rain with lightning and thunder this morning.  The forecast is for more of the same throughout the weekend.  It was 60 this morning.  That is likely the high for the foreseeable future.  Still no frost in the forecast.  I had to laugh this morning as I listened to NPR.  One of the stories featured a redneck who owns a laundry service on the shore in Alabama.  He was bemoaning the new law which targets illegal immigrants (read scary brown people).   He says he is not advocating repeal of the law, but it should be revised.  It's amazing how people's political views change when their economic ox is being gored.  As I have said before, if they were offering a living wage, maybe some Americans would be interested in folding laundry.

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