Friday, October 14, 2011

On the road

I am amazed to sit here and blog at an airport gate and then transmit these scribbles with the touch of a key.  Of course there are a few hiccups, as my first post was erased at the whim of the internet god.  If this one vanishes, I will give up for now.  One of the nice things about living on the Lake Champlain Rivierais if you travel away in any direction, the scenery is awesome.   Driving to Albany to catch a flight to Atlanta, I was enchanted by the fall colors.  An occasional shower only enhanced the feeling of connection with Nature.  All the more amazing is the ability to share this with the world in a matter of minutes.  I don't know what the Produce Marketing Association convention holds in store, but the past couple of hours has been a good start.  More tomorrow.

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