Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday on the road

Did the usual convention thing on Saturday.  Meetings, too many breakfasts, too much coffee, then on to the convention floor to see old friends and enemies and perhaps meet new ones.  I probably walked more miles yesterday than all the previous month.  Of course, if I wasn't there no one would miss me, but the feeling that they would always drives me to these conventions.  I suppose that is why a majority go there, a fitting commentary on the human condition.  By mid afternoon most will be looking for a big flat screen carrying the game of their favorite football team, or heading to the airport to catch a late flight so they can be back at work tomorrow.  Monday morning will be a funeral with almost everyone gone but the exhibitors.  Having spent the money, most will hope it was worthwhile.  Certainly the weather is beautiful, in contrast to the drizzle and falling temps at home.

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