Monday, October 10, 2011

Do we share the same planet

The conservative and Republican reactions are at the same time predictable and maddening.  The same folks who published the tea party playbook which called for disruption of town hall meetings a harassment of public officials now tell us that peaceful demonstrations with snarky slogans and thoughtful criticism of our galtian overlords are the end of civilization as we know it.  The media mouthpieces of the 1% are in majority agreement to either ignore the protests or denigrate the protestors.   As someone who lived through the 60s and early 70s I find it amazing that my generation is ready to repeat the crap we went through at the hands of the "greatest generation"  aka Archie Bunker and friends.   At least most of us could get jobs when we  got out of school.  The kids now coming of age can look forward to a lower standard of living than us, unless something is done fairly quickly.  But, many of those with the money and power are living down to the worst  epithets aimed at the "Me" generation.  They simply don't care about anyone but them and their immediate families.  I find it amazing the people occupying  Wall St. have the faith in the system to participate in this protest.  I hope more continue to join.

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