Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ducky weather

Looks like another couple of wet days coming up.  Still no frost in the forecast through next Monday, so there is still time to harvest any tender crops.  Most growers up here have either finished or given up due to lack of labor, but if they had planted late lettuce, they could still be harvesting.  I still have beautiful green leaf and bibb lettuce in the garden.  Even beets and turnips planted in late August look like they will make a crop before the freeze.  The last planting of broccoli now has 10 inch heads which will probably start showing rot with this latest rain.  I hope to harvest a few for the co-op on Saturday.  We will have spinach at least to the middle of November if the weather remains seasonable.  Longer if it stays like this.  When I moved to the NCR (North Country Riviera) from Long Island 10 years ago, no one would believe me if I said there would be no frost this late in the season.  I wonder what is going on here...NOT.

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