Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend warrior

This getting older stuff is highly overrated.  After harvesting selected items for the coop on Saturday, then helping a friend move and finally on Sunday harvesting the rest of the potatoes, I feel like I was run over by a bus which then backed up to complete the job.  Today started overcast and feeling like late fall, and it never got much better.  The only good thing was the clouds kept the frost at bay.  I picked a roomful of zinnias and snapdragons for the divine Mrs. M, and there are plenty more flowers out there if the weather cooperates.  The spinach and beets are still growing and the late plantings of carrots in the cold frames will definitely size up before the ground freezes.  The only fly in the gardening ointment is the wet soil.  We can't get three days in a row without showers, and the garlic planting schedule is almost upon us.  I may have to plant in the front garden, since that soil remains fairly well drained.  The back gardens have much heavier Champlain Valley clay loams which can't drain this continuous moisture. 

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