Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

This has absolutely nothing to do with produce (I think), but everything to do with the future of the country we live in and love.  It is starting to feel like the sleeping giant aka, the 99% is starting to wake up.  Knowledgeable people have been saying for years that Wall Street and the banking industry have basically taken over the US and have been directing our affairs in ways that are harmful to most of us.  The endless wars, the American Empire, and the squandering of our resources in the attempt to dominate the world have started to impact the way of life our generation took for granted, even during the 60s and the Vietnam war.  As the jobs moved offshore, the manufacturing base was stripped down and the wellspring of good middle class employment shriveled up.  The pain started in the Rust Belt, but now the south and the west are feeling it now.  Even the industrialization of agriculture gutted towns in the midwest.  Where once 10 farms thrived and created dozens of other jobs in support industries, now one megafarm owned by a corporation exists.  It buys little from surrounding communities and remits profits to a far away headquarters.   I hope the little fire started by the wall st. protestors becomes a cleansing blaze which will restore a more human economy which benefits more than just 1 % of the population.

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