Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Looks like tonight and tomorrow night will be the swan song for any tender, unprotected plants.  We should be near freezing tonight, but tomorrow the weather service is predicting mid 20s, so even on the North Country Riviera at Casa Monzeglio we will be in perilous territory.  That means a Chinese fire drill tonight as I pick all the winter squash and try to cover as much of the lettuce and flowers as possible.  I have a brand new roll of reemay cloth, so we will see how much I can cover before midnight.  My only consolation is the imminent demise of the galinsoga population.  I've sweated and slaved for nearly 6 months on this little patch of ground, and as much as I will be glad of a few months off, I will probably be itching to get my hands dirty by the middle of March.

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