Friday, October 28, 2011

October the 28th

Is too late.  Actually, the title of the Sci-Fi novel I read as a teenager was October the 29th is Too Late.  I don't remember the plot, which I will look up later, but I was referring to the first real frost of the season.  It was 32 degrees at Casa Monzeglio this morning and I'm pretty sure the basil and hopefully the galinsoga have given it up.  It's always bittersweet when the growing season is officially over, but a succession of 40 degree days have taken most of the starch out of growing plants.  The spinach, kale and collards are still growing, but beets, carrots and most other hardy veg are just marking time, waiting for the really hard freeze.  It will probably come quickly now as we are knocking on the door of November.  Meanwhile, in the wider markets, we are still stuck in a declining demand scenario.  Despite what the stock markets are doing, people still don't seem to be spending on vegetables.

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