Thursday, October 20, 2011

More food safety follies

The FDA now says the melons that caused the listeria outbreak which killed several and sickened thousands were contaminated on the farm in Colorado!  The story in the NYT says the melons were packed in a shed with a concrete floor and a roof, but no walls.  A recent inspection noted puddles on the floor which workers could walk through and transfer contamination.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  I have been to dozens of sheds over the years and they were very similar to the description I read in this article.  I guess most people who eat fresh produce should keep their fingers crossed.  I want to agree with the premise of the story; that even a third party audit  may not be enough to guarantee food safety.  But then I think about what I have read about FDA inspected meat packing plants and I want to throw up.  I think I will take my chances with the food safety provided by the produce industry as opposed to a half hearted government effort which will provide the illusion  of safety without the reality.  As much as I hate to agree with the less is better crowd, if we are not willing to spend the money it will take to do a good job of food safety, we are better off letting the threat of legal action in case of illness caused by contamination spur the industry to police itself.  The real cost of strict government enforcement of food safety would add significantly to the price of vegetables and put many small growers out of business.  No more farmer's markets and small backyard growers.

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