Wednesday, October 5, 2011

American farm labor

Methinks we are still a long way from a Grapes of Wrath scenario where Americans will line up to take stoop labor farm jobs even for $10.50/hr.  That's the going rate for foreign guest workers under the government's H2A program.  In order to qualify for the program, farmers must prove they have tried, but failed to find Americans willing to do the work.  As a NYT article today stated, one grower in Colorado found out within 6 hours that a majority of the Americans he hired walked off the job, saying it was too difficult.  He was able to scramble and get a crew of Mexicans to finish the season, but his view is that Americans have become soft and lazy.  I do that kind of work as a hobby and I can tell you there are times I question my choice of leisure activity.  I certainly would not recommend it as a career at the wages our society deems as its worth.  I do think if a living wage was paid for this kind of work there would be more people applying than there are jobs available.  However, that would require Americans to pay more for food.  Which would leave less money to spend on useless junk from China.  Which would help reduce our trade deficit.  What's wrong with this solution to the problem?  Probably that it won't happen in our lifetimes.

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